本诊所的中医师们专长于结合西方脊椎矫正和中医跌打推拿以及民间整骨手法治疗相结合的专家。此外,他们也是擅长于中药针灸疗法,可以很效地治疗许多奇难杂症疾病。他们可有效的解决人体各个器官以及神经失常所引起的病痛,包括运动或意外事故创伤。有些治疗方法的疗效可避免于手术治疗。他们毕业于中国多间著名中医药大学,中国湖南中医药大学, 广州中医药大学,天津中医药大学等,也荣获马来西亚卫生部承认的中医师公会,马来西亚中医师暨针灸联合总会(医总) FCPAAM注册中医师,拥有多年临床经验的中医师。

以下是槟城乐生骨科中医诊所所提供专长服务:骨科,骨伤科,跌打损伤,脊椎矫正及护理,徒手整脊与中医正骨跌打推拿疗法,中医经络推拿,运动损伤,整骨,整脊,中华物理治疗,针灸,针灸減肥,草药,刮痧治疗,拔火罐,走罐,精油经络排毒按摩,中医诊脉及营养咨询,脉冲脊骨肌肉神经矫正治疗技术, 康复治疗, 健康检查(包括检查诊断疾病根源例如体内五脏六腑失调,器官衰竭,功能退化,肩颈酸痛,腰酸背痛,神经受压迫,脖子足跟脚踝手肘手腕扭伤,过敏,胃肚子酸/痠痛,刺痛,手脚冰冷,肌肉粘连紧萎缩无力,麻痺,僵硬,肿胀,闪腰落枕,股关节/髋部脊骨脱位,胳膊肘子,脱臼,筋骨,肌腱,软骨错位,半脱位,骨质增生,颈椎腰椎间盘突出,膝盖半月板损伤,软组织损伤老化,五十肩膀,劳损,韧带撕裂磨损,长短脚,足弓变形,骨架体形失衡,红肿熱痛发炎, 凝血瘀血,职业病以及相关引起疼痛疾病)等等。

Penang Happy Life Wellness & Therapy Centre is Chinese Physician specializes in the combination of western spine correction such as Chiropractic & Orthopaedic and Chinese massage as well as Traditional Chinese Treatment(TCM). In addition, they are also good at Chinese herbal acupuncture therapy and capable to treat various chronic and rare diseases effectively. They can also diagnosis the pain effectively which caused by various organs of our body as well as nervous disorders including accident and sports injury. Some of diseases can be treated without surgery. They were graduated from many well known Chinese medicine university in China called as Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and etc. Currently, they are registered as a Chinese Physician from Chinese Physician Association called Federation of Chinese Physicians and Acupuncturists Associations Malaysia (FCPAAM ), which is recognized by the Ministry of Health Malaysia, with many years of clinical experiences as a qualified Chinese Physician.

Specialize In: Orthopedic, Bone Setting, Tit-tar, Spine Correction/Alignment, Chiropractic & TCM Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy, Chinese Meridians Massage Therapy, Sport Injury, Sport Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Chiropractic, TCM Physiotherapy, Acupuncture, Acupuncture Weight Loss, Herbalist, Scraping/ Guasha Treatment, Cupping/Bekam, Essential Oil Massage, TCM Pulse Diagnosis & Nutrition Consultations, Impulse Subluxation Adjusting Technique Therapy, Rehabilitation, Body Check Up (The consultations & checking
of body aches which caused by organ failure, degeneration/aging, tendon, muscle stiffness, tender, weak, swollen, sore, numbness, back pain, nerve system, nerve compression, disorder, slipped disc, wrist sprain, spine dislocation, knee, toe, hip, ankle, elbow, neck, arm, lower back pain, allergic, gastric stomach, ligament tear, incorrect/bad posture, feet roll inward/outward, foot balance, long short leg, soft tissue injury, ligament tear, inflammation, blood clot, occupational disease and others) in Penang.


  • 中國湖南中医药大学本科学士
  • 广州中医药大学本科学士
  • 天津中医药大学本科学士
  • 美国整脊医师协会会员(ACA)
  • 骨医师学会注册脊骨整疗技术专业文凭
  • 华夏廷龄国际医学研究院ISAT美式脊骨整疗技术专业文凭
  • 亚州骨架平衡研究院美式脊椎矫正专业文凭
  • 泰国曼谷越坡泰式高级治疗推拿专业文凭
  • 马来西亚职业技术发展局职业技术医师
  • 马来西亚中医师暨针灸联合总会(医总)注册中医师
  • 北马中医学会永久中医师会员
  • Bachelor of Medicine (TCM) Hunan University of Chinese Medicine
  • Bachelor of Medicine (TCM) Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine
  • Bachelor of Medicine (TCM) Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • FCPAAM Approval Chinese Physician TCM
  • Diploma in Bone Setting Tuinatherapy of Chinese
  • Physician of wellness & Therapy Taiwan College
  • Advanced Thai Medical Massage Therapy
  • Council of Wat Po Traditional Medical School (Bangkok)
  • Member of American Chiropractic Association (ACA)
  • Permanent Member of North Malaysia Chinese Medical Association