Below are basic services providing, please do not hesitate to contact us for more details.

Impulse Subluxation Adjusting Technique Therapy

"Impulse Subluxation Adjusting Technique Therapy" is based on the location of human spinal lesions, using different sitting, prone position, through the use of a variety of techniques, in a few minutes to achieve the therapeutic effect of pain. By correcting the position of the spine, the nerves are no longer violated, and the original functions are restored. It is the most gentle and effective method to treat the disease. This superior treatment method not only treats spinal disorders such as spinal degeneration, lower back & leg muscles pain problems, spinal joint dislocation and scoliosis, but also treats spine related diseases such as dizziness, headache, insomnia, limb numbness, arrhythmia and gastrointestinal disorders by adjusting the position of the spine.
TCM Acupuncture Treatment

现代有专项研究显示,针灸对些疾病能达到有效治疗作用,並且世界卫生组织(WHO)也公开宣布针灸对一些疾病确实有帮助。 华夏子孙几千年来就是靠着中草药和针灸来维系健康。针灸疗法是以针刺,刺激经络、穴位、达到疏通经络、扶正祛邪、协调阴阳的作用,从而发挥其独特的治疗疾病的效果。

TCM Acupuncture therapy has a long history and it originated from China. Since ancient times, acupuncture and moxibustion medicine has continued to flourish in China everywhere, and has made indelible contributions to the propagation of Chinese civilization and the nation. In the other words, acupuncture is well known among Chinese in detail.

Medical analysis report indicated that acupuncture can effectively treat diseases well and the World Health Organization (WHO) also officially recognized that acupuncture can actually help to cure some diseases. From thousands years ago, Chinese community has been relying on Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture to maintain their health. Acupuncture and herb therapy is to imply acupuncture, stimulate the meridians and acupoints, to clear the meridians, to correct the evils, and to coordinate/balance the effects of Yin and Yang, so as to exert its unique therapeutic effect.
TCM Pulse Diagnosis & Nutrition Consultations
针对"个人体质”辨识,就具有"疾病危险因素、亚健康状态、 慢性疾病及康复期”的"人群与个体”,于生活作息上的"行为指导、医疗干预” 等给予健康评估。同时实现"个性化、针对性”的"养生及保健”,以"治未病” 的前提作为健康管理。

Consult the root of what will best support your body’s cleansing process by customizing food choices, supplement products, herbals, treatments, and lifestyle activities. Nutrition consultations will guide you with easy to follow specific meal plans which will focus on the foods recommended by the TCM Chinese physician as well as other liver supportive and detoxifying food.
Warm Cupping Treatment
"拔罐疗法”为传统中医常用以治病中最佳的"物理疗法”之一。此疗法以"负压及温热”为机理作用,通过刺激经络穴位可"逐寒祛湿、舒筋活络、 祛瘀活血、消肿止痛及拔毒泻热”;亦减轻解风寒、头痛、风湿痛等病情, 同时还具有"调整人体阴阳平衡”的功效。

"Cupping therapy" is one of the best "physiotherapy" methods commonly used by traditional Chinese medicine to treat diseases. This therapy uses "negative pressure and warmth" as a mechanism. By stimulating meridians and acupuncture meridian points, it can stimulate muscles and blood circulation, relieve swelling, relieve pain, and cure diarrhea and fever. Besides able to improve the flu, headches, rheumatoid arthritis, it also can balance the energy of yin and yang from our body.
Orthopedic, Chiropractic & TCM Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy
以中医经络针灸治疗理论为基础,配合"中、美、日”的"推拿”与"整脊”手法," 放松紧张的肌肉”及"调整全身206块骨头”;同时达致"疏通经络、推气行血、 治伤止痛、扶正祛邪及调和阴阳”等疗效。这徒手整脊与正骨推拿疗法是以特殊整复的手法来矫正脊椎的移位,调整脊椎不合理的变形,以促进气血和畅,使病椎恢复正常,从而治疗脊椎损伤所引起各种疾病以及改善骨架美观的一种疗法。

This treatment combines both oriental and western treatment methods and skills and it makes use of various hand technique with acupuncture and other chiropractic manipulation technique to enhance the healing process, the practitioner may recommend the use of Chinese herb and this treatment resemble that of western massage like gliding, kneading, vibration and shaking. In this treatment, the muscles and tendons are massaged with the help of hands and acupressure technique is applied to directly affected the flow of Qi at different acupressure points of the body thus facilitating the healing process.
Chinese Herbal Essential Oil Sraping (Guasha) Treatment
刮痧是一种古老传统中医疗法,汇聚了中医理念的精华。它乃是以中医经络腧穴理论为指导,通过特制的刮痧器具和相应的手法,蘸取一定的介质,配合中医师所採用的纯正草药精油在体表进行反复刮动、摩擦,使皮肤局部出现红色粟粒状,或暗红色出血点等“出痧”变化,从而达到活血透痧的作用。此法可刺激肌肤使" 血脉通畅、行气活血、疏通肌肤纹理、排出痧气”等,从而达致"祛除邪气、驱风散寒、增强免疫力、排毒养颜、淡化皱纹、行气消斑等养生保健”的疗效。当获得良好清调补治疗以后,患者体内的血液循环会更加顺畅,细胞会自动修复以达到提高免疫系统作用。

Chinese Herbal Essential Oil Sraping (Guasha) is a natural, alternative therapy that involves scraping your skin with a massage tool to improve your blood circulation. This ancient Chinese healing technique may offer a unique approach to better health, addressing issues like chronic pain.

In scraping(Guasha) therapy, our Chinese Physician applies pure chinese herbal essential oil to your skin and scrape your skin with short or long strokes to stimulate microcirculation of the soft tissue, which increases blood flow.

It releases unhealthy bodily matter from blood stasis within sored, tired, stiff or injured muscle areas to stimulate new oxygenated blood flow to the areas, thus promotes metabolic cell repair, regeneration, healing and recovery.

Scraping (Guasha) is intended to address stagnant energy, called chi, in the body that practitioners believe may be responsible for inflammation. Inflammation is the underlying cause of several conditions associated with chronic pain. Rubbing the skin’s surface is thought to help break up our body energy, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. In addition, it is also effective for detoxification and improves our blood circulation and enhances immune system as well.