Our Chinese Physicians have the clinical experience in combining the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) therapy with modern high-tech techniques, which able to treat patients effectively in Penang. The medical services provided by our Chinese Physician includes Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Orthopedic & Traumatology, Body Joint Alignments & Tuinalogy/ Bone Setting Chinese Massage Treatment, Chinese Medicine Diagnosis, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Chinese Meridian Point Treatment, Warm Cupping, Sport Injury, Rehabilitation, Impulse Subluxation Adjusting Technique Therapy and etc. Our Chinese Physicians are much delighted to focus on individual patient, patiently answer questions, enquire the medical history in detail, do thorough medical check up, adopt careful and effective treatment, and strive for correct diagnosis and treatment. This is to cure the root cause of the patients’ disease, to adjust the balance of yin and yang, and finally to regain the health of the patient.